Anime sometimes called Japanimation, is hand-drawn and computer animation originating from Japan. The term anime is derived from the English word animation, and in Japan is used to refer to all forms of animated media. Outside Japan, the term refers specifically to animation from Japan or to a Japanese-disseminated animation style often characterized by colorful graphics, vibrant characters and fantastical themes. This culturally abstract approach to the word's meaning may open the possibility of anime produced in countries other than Japan. The earliest commercial Japanese animation date
Cute Puppies Puzzle
Princesses coffee break
Geometry Dash World - GEO DASH
Cat Hair Salon
Drift Fury
Fruit Punch
Monsters Rotate
Funny Cars Route
Private Adventure 2.5D
Stick my Hero
Fishing Game
Stickman vs Aliens
Driving Car parking: Car games
Rolling Halloween
Two Colors
My Pony Designer
Garden Bloom
Blocks Cruch
Talking Angela Differences
2048 cube
Neon Battle Tank 2
Shadow world Adventure
Stack Road
Car Physics BTR-80
Persia Prince Dash
Baby Taylor Big Closet Challenge
Bullet Shooter 3D
City Parking 2D
Sushi Master
Football Strike penalty - Soccer Games